Educational multimedia.  To enter activity, just click on the image.
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Watch this powerpoint presentation that will introduce you to the fundamentals of plagiarism and copyright regulations. Make sure you pay attention, because afterwards you will be engaged in interactive activities to test your knowledge!
Now that you've studied up on the ins and outs of plagiarism, test what you've learned in this interactive flash quiz!

How did you do? If you weren't able to answer all of the questions correctly, you might want to review the powerpoint presentation once more.

As computers and technology have integrated more and more into our educational settings and personal lives, a great deal of legislation has been passed to deal with the new challenges that have arisen. Many of the bills, statutes, laws, and regulations can be tricky to keep up with. Print this worksheet and attempt to match up the terms with their definitions.

Now that you've hit submit, assess your knowledge of these laws. You may wish to pursue further reading on specific legislations you missed!


The ins and outs of Fair Use policy can confuse even the most educated amongst us. Use this scavenger hunt in order to explore fair use resources on the internet to broaden your depth of knowledge in this often confusing realm.

Ron Charnis
Project created for EDUC 473

This website contains some copyrighted material that is used under the educational fair use exemption under U.S. Copyright law.