Grades will be based on the timeliness, content, clarity of writing and creativity of work in assignments completed for this course. The extent and quality of participation in course discussions (face to face -if needed and virtual) will also be evaluated in determining the final grade. The relative portion of the grade assigned to each course component will include:

  1. Participation in face to face/on-line discussions (25%)
  2. Mini-assignments and activities (i.e., Cyberawareness month activity calendar; netiquette profile) and evaluation, critiquing, and discussion of peer work (25%)
  3. Final Project. The final project for this course involves the development of a curriculum unit for the classroom or presentation for faculty development or student enrichment activity related to a social, ethical and/or legal content area of interest. Have an idea for something similar? I am always open to creative ideas of high quality that are of interest to participants. Final product (35%)
  4. Final Reflection -- reflecting on your own ideas and practices as well as on those introduced in this course -informal discussion thread (15%)

All deadlines will be detailed in the course outline.