EDUC 477/698O:

Assistive Technology/Universal Design for the General Classroom Settings

Author: Megan Tyler

  1. Description Law Year
    Extends the funding of the 50 states and, statewide programs of technology-related assistance.    
    Reaffirmed FAPE and expanded service provided to individuals with disabilities.    
    Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities or federal funding will be removed.    
    See for answers.
  2. List 3 types of assistive technology devices that assist individuals in communication.
  3. List 2 types of assistive technology devices that assist individuals in computer access.
      See for answers.
  4. How can families get funding for assistive technology, list 2 means? See for answers.
  5. What is a hi-tech AT device? See for answer.

Answers submitted by Author: Arden Sotomayor

  1. Description Law Year
    Extends the funding of the 50 states and, statewide programs of technology-related assistance. Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-394) 1998
    Reaffirmed FAPE and expanded service provided to individuals with disabilities. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1990 (P.L. 101-476) and 1997 (P.L. 105-17) 1990 and 1997
    Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities or federal funding will be removed. Americans with Disabilities Act 1990
    See for answers.
  2. List 3 types of assistive technology devices that assist individuals in communication.
    1. Communication Boards
    2. Speech synthesizers
    3. Head wands
  3. List 2 types of assistive technology devices that assist individuals in computer access.
    1. Alternate key boards
    2. Switches activated by pressure
    3. Touch screens
      See for answers.
  4. How can families get funding for assistive technology, list 2 means? See for answers.
    Early intervention programs funded through IDEA and Head Start Programs.
  5. What is a hi-tech AT device? See for answer.
    A computer voice synthesizer would be an example of a hi-tech AT device.