EDUC 477/698O:

Assistive Technology/Universal Design in the General Classroom Setting


In addition to the class discussion and smaller mini assignments (worth 50%), each student will work in a group to complete the IEP/Lesson Plan activity (worth 20 %). This activity is straight forward and directions will be given later in the course. Additionally, each student will complete one paper/project worth 20% and will complete a final reflection activity which will count 10% towards the final grade.

Both a brief individual plan/explanation for the paper/project (submitted via email) and the paper themselves are due on the dates specified in the Course Outline. Papers/Projects will have to be worked out individually. The idea is to have you choose an activity that is OF INTEREST and RELEVANT TO YOU.

A paper is defined as: at least 8-10 pages, size 12 font, single spaced pages plus a bibliography (doesn't count in the 8-10 page limit). Please see the APA style web-links listed in the syllabus for standard formatting protocol related to margins, spacing etc. A bibliography should include several references.

4/18: Description due
5/9: Paper/project due
IEP/Lesson Plan
4/4: Description given out
5/2: IEP due
Final Reflection Paper:
5/18 Final Reflection due

The following are only ideas for possible paper/projects based on your interest from the first class session. I am always open to suggestions.

Examples of previous papers can be found on the ETO website.

Studying Web based Learning Environments

MICCA, which originally stood for 'Maryland Instructional Computers Coordinators Association', is an organization for everyone interested in technology and education. They are dedicated to providing leadership for advancing meaningful uses of technology in the educational communities of Maryland. See:

The annual conference will be held in Baltimore May 3rd & 4th (Weds. & Thursday). As the poster session chair, I encourage each of you to consider presenting a poster session (very informal presentation) on a topic of interest related to assistive technology or UD as related to this course. Any of the ideas above could be used-just the format becomes "less formal"-no paper to type. Registration for presenters is free-although you might need to become a MICCA member ($25.00).

The third and final option is to "help" UMCP-COE at the conference. This would include at minimum 1 day devoted to the following: