Cyberwatch K12 slogan

Presentation Materials

Table Presentation Table Presentation Table Presentation

General awareness about cyberethics, safety and security, and the growing need for a trained workforce in cyber security, information systems and digital forensics fields is critical. Unfortunately, few students know about the field and in many cases educators, parents, and career counselors are not informed of the career tracks, their requirements or what the job entails.

Dynamic role models and activities that excite student imagination can inspire youth to see the relevance of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to the real world. They can make the subject matter come alive. Whether you have participated in our training or are viewing materials online, the National CyberWatch Center K-12 Division wants you to have the tools to make you successful when working with students in a formal or informal venue.

These resources have been designed for the career fair (table display format) or classroom presentation format. Before releasing materials for general use, every activity has been field tested with diverse student populations.

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